SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This special class will share:

🌷Practical tips and insights into how we can awaken devotion in our heart
🌷How we can deepen our relationship with God

One cannot put one foot in front of the other on the spiritual path without awakening the natural love of the heart.
-Sri Yukteswar

Meet Your Instructors

Nayaswami Biraj’s warmth and joy are contagious. He has been practicing and teaching meditation since 1987, including at Ananda's Expanding Light retreat, on the east coast, and in India. He was a founding member of Ananda India, and also helped begin Ananda Valley Farm. His passions are singing, selfless service, and connecting meaningfully with others.
Nayaswami Lahari is insightful, wise, and present. She has served in many of Ananda's colonies since 1986, including Ananda Village, Sacramento, Rhode Island, and India. She and her husband, Biraj, helped to found the new Ananda community near Pune, India, and more recently, the new Ananda Valley Farm in Half Moon Bay. Lahari is a pastoral counselor and teaches many programs at Ananda.